Coney Island Polar Bear Club

Coney Island Polar Bear Club Plunge 2011

Every New Year's Day, hundreds of people join members of the Coney Island Polar Bear Club for a plunge in the Atlantic Ocean. Founded in 1903, Coney Island Polar Bear Club describes itself as "the oldest winter bathing club in the United States". 

This year, Coney Island Polar Bear Club hosted its New Year tradition for the 119th time! I'm proud to say that I got out of my comfort zone and took the plunge at least once.

Snow and the Coney Island Polar Bear Club Plunge Crowd

The weather on January 1, 2011 was beautiful. The sky was clear. The temperature was warm enough for me to take off my jacket and long layers, wearing just my bathing suit. 

On the sand, the sun, the crowd, and the excitement in the air generated enough heat to keep me warm as I walked towards the water. But I couldn't go any further once my calves were covered in water. It felt like tiny icicles were forming wherever my legs were wet. I hurried out of the water and grabbed a certificate that said I "DID IT!" 

After that experience, I read about the benefits of ice baths and winter swims. But I have never tried them, nor have I gone back to the Coney Island Polar Bear Club Plunge. Maybe some day I will do it again.


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